Ma Judit, Loretta, Eulália névnap van.
Végre egy örömhír: a kvótareferendumon a határon túli magyar állampolgárok is részt vehetnek
És ez még jobb: akinek nincs magyarországi lakcíme, levélben adhatja le szavazatát. >
Egy „Széchenyi-idézet” nyomában
„Minden nemzetnek olyan kormánya van, aminőt érdemel. Ha valami oknál fogva ostoba vagy komisz emberek >
Szeles Mónika exkluzív
1986-ban Mónika valahol Dél-Amerikában megnyerte a korosztályos világbajnokságot, s amikor hazajött, akkor készítettem vele ezt >
Európa, a vén kurva
E sorok írójának csak az a történelmi tapasztalat jutott osztályrészéül, hogy hintalovazás közben hallgassa végig az >
The Orbán family’s enrichment with a little government help
„Azt hiszem elképednénk a jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnök korrumpáltságának mélységétől.” Hungarian Spectrum: >
Churchill és Bódis békés szivarozása helyett jaltai konferencia
Tulajdonképpen egy farsangi szivarozáson kellett volna találkoznia a krími félszigeten Churchillnek és Bódisnak 1945 februárjában – >
A gyertyák csonkig égnek
„Az ember lassan öregszik meg: először az élethez és az emberekhez való kedve öregszik.” Márai Sándor >
Egyik gyakornokunk szülinapját ünnepeltük
A bohókás ünnepeltet a kezében tartott tábláról lehet felismerni, amelyik egyben az életkorát is jelzi. Még fiatal, >
A kiválasztott nép ilyennek látja Európát
Spitzertől: >
A fehér kabát
Gabor,I like your white coat.Your pal,Tony Curtis >
A Napló Naplója
Kissé élcelődve azt meséltük, hogy minden a Magyarzó Pistike bálján kezdődött, amikor Árpád a söntésnél találkozott >
Amíg egy férfi új autóját fényezte, a kisfia felvett egy követ, és vonalakat karcolt az autó >
Napi ajánló
What really happened?
Mi történt valójában a Merkel-Orbán találkozón? A Hungarian Spectrum ugyekszik kideríteni.
„A growing number of people would like to see the whole Orbán regime disappear, and these people fervently hoped that “Merkel would tell Orbán off.” They are most likely very disappointed because it seems that all’s well between Angela Merkel and Viktor Orbán. At least this is what we could discern from the joint press conference held after a private luncheon, also attended by György Matolcsy and Zoltán Balog.“...
„Of course, we don’t know whether this is how the conversation went. My personal feeling is that Hungarian domestic affairs were discussed, at least in passing. That this discussion might have been less than congenial is also likely. I don’t know what German word Merkel used to describe the tone of the discussion, but the Hungarians translated it as “nyitott” (open). “Open” in this context means “candid.” When we hear the word “candid” attached to diplomatic negotiations we interpret the word to imply that the conversation was frank and outspoken.“...
„The German Chancellery is fully aware of what is going on in Hungary. Only yesterday the spokesman for the German government sent a message to Orbán: “Someone with a two-thirds majority must know that with that majority goes great responsibility towards those who are in the minority.” The German media while preparing for the Orbán visit also published scathing articles about Orbán’s attitude toward democracy. The authors of one opinion piece predicted that Merkel most likely will “admonish” the Hungarian prime minister. Well, if she did we didn’t hear a thing about it. The Hungarians also anticipated a scolding from Angela Merkel. Otherwise why did Foreign Minister János Martonyi feel that he had to emphasize to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur that although the Hungarian government might have made some errors “during the enormous transformation that has occurred in the last two years,” the Orbán government is fully committed to democratic principles? The same message was delivered to the German public by Orbán himself in his interview with the German paper Handesblatt, where he described himself as “a zealous believer and supporter of democracy.”...
„Admittedly, Merkel went out of her way to be pleasant to Orbán, perhaps, goes one line of reasoning, because the usual diplomatic language of understatement has no effect on the Hungarian prime minister. Now, it seems, Merkel decided on a new strategy. To give the impression that she understands, partially at least, “the motives behind the reforms.” Hungarian observers think that Merkel went too far here.“...
„So, what did Orbán promise to Merkel? We don’t know, but I’m almost certain that the soothing words of Angela Merkel came with a price tag, though probably more Wal-Mart than Neiman Marcus. László Lengyel, an economist and political commentator, thinks that perhaps Matolcsy’s latest austerity program may have something to do with the Merkel-Orbán meeting.“...
„After the meeting with Merkel Orbán made a speech at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. In the audience of 200 sat Imre Kertész, the only Hungarian Nobel Prize winner for literature and no friend of Viktor Orbán.“...
„What was interesting was that after the speech he got some hard questions. Keep in mind that at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Orbán was among friends. However, he wasn’t fazed by such comments as that German firms don’t trust the Hungarian government because of its erratic and unpredictable attitude toward the business world. Yes, answered Orbán, the extra levies hit the service sector especially hard, but he “has bad news for the players in this sector”: their situation will not change in the future. There will be no higher profits. When a German constitutional scholar said that Hungarian judges in the last year or so had rendered some very brave decisions and added that “in Germany a judge doesn’t have to be brave,” he just has to do his job, Orbán rather impertinently answered that in the minds of Hungarians the role of judges is different than it is in Germany. Moreover, he “doesn’t consider the German situation the standard” to which Hungary has to adjust.All in all, if Merkel quietly achieved something during her talk with Orbán, it couldn’t have been a heck of a lot. The man seems to be feeling on top of the world.”
Ehhez a cikkhez még nem fűztek megjegyzést.
Komment írásához be kell jelentkeznie.
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Događa li se čudo u Mađarskoj?
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Megérdemelt díj
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Sajtótájékoztató után - harcolni és túlélni
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