Ma Judit, Loretta, Eulália névnap van.
Végre egy örömhír: a kvótareferendumon a határon túli magyar állampolgárok is részt vehetnek
És ez még jobb: akinek nincs magyarországi lakcíme, levélben adhatja le szavazatát. >
Egy „Széchenyi-idézet” nyomában
„Minden nemzetnek olyan kormánya van, aminőt érdemel. Ha valami oknál fogva ostoba vagy komisz emberek >
Szeles Mónika exkluzív
1986-ban Mónika valahol Dél-Amerikában megnyerte a korosztályos világbajnokságot, s amikor hazajött, akkor készítettem vele ezt >
Európa, a vén kurva
E sorok írójának csak az a történelmi tapasztalat jutott osztályrészéül, hogy hintalovazás közben hallgassa végig az >
The Orbán family’s enrichment with a little government help
„Azt hiszem elképednénk a jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnök korrumpáltságának mélységétől.” Hungarian Spectrum: >
Churchill és Bódis békés szivarozása helyett jaltai konferencia
Tulajdonképpen egy farsangi szivarozáson kellett volna találkoznia a krími félszigeten Churchillnek és Bódisnak 1945 februárjában – >
A gyertyák csonkig égnek
„Az ember lassan öregszik meg: először az élethez és az emberekhez való kedve öregszik.” Márai Sándor >
Egyik gyakornokunk szülinapját ünnepeltük
A bohókás ünnepeltet a kezében tartott tábláról lehet felismerni, amelyik egyben az életkorát is jelzi. Még fiatal, >
A kiválasztott nép ilyennek látja Európát
Spitzertől: >
A fehér kabát
Gabor,I like your white coat.Your pal,Tony Curtis >
A Napló Naplója
Kissé élcelődve azt meséltük, hogy minden a Magyarzó Pistike bálján kezdődött, amikor Árpád a söntésnél találkozott >
Amíg egy férfi új autóját fényezte, a kisfia felvett egy követ, és vonalakat karcolt az autó >
Napi ajánló
A botched-up show trial in Hungary
A Hungarian Spectrum a kontár módon összeeszkábált Hagyó-perről ír:
„I’m going to write today about the infamous Hagyó affair. Miklós Hagyó, who joined MSZP in 1998, was a wealthy businessman who soon enough became an important political figure in Budapest. He was one of the deputy mayors in the administration of Gábor Demszky, who led the city between 1990 and 2010. Among other things, Hagyó oversaw the business practices of the Budapest Transit Authority (BKV). The losses at BKV were staggering; year after year the central government had to come to its rescue. The business practices of BKV had been under fairly close scrutiny, and it was discovered that management didn’t always run the company in a judicious manner. But in March 2010 came a bombshell. Zsolt Balogh, one of the many CEOs of BKV, said on HírTV that he, as the newly appointed head of BKV, paid a courtesy visit to Hagyó, who right on the spot instructed him to hand over 40 million forints. Balogh obliged, and the next day he brought the money to the deputy mayor in a box originally designed as packaging for a Nokia telephone.”
„At this point I said to myself: something is wrong here. There is no way that someone, especially an experienced crook, would demand money from a man he doesn’t know from Adam.
Miklós Hagyó spent nine months in jail and several months in a prison hospital.”…
„The investigators spent two and a half years gathering evidence. Originally the prosecutors hoped for some spectacular revelations. They would have liked to have proof, for instance, that the money Hagyó allegedly extorted from the CEOs of BKV actually ended up in the coffers of MSZP. But the evidence was lacking.”
„In the end, although a total of sixteen people were accused of various crimes in connection with the business practices of BKV, only two important people were accused of anything: Miklós Hagyó and Ernő Mesterházy (SZDSZ), adviser to Mayor Gábor Demszky. The prosecutors tried to build a case of bribery but they couldn’t. Basically they had to fall back on the good old charge of breach of fiduciary responsibility. The only exception was the charge of extortion in the case of Hagyó, based on the fabulous Nokia story. The prosecution demanded jail time for fifteen of the sixteen accused.”…
„In February Hagyó and his fellow accused were told that the court would like to have a speedy trial and that if the Budapest Court were to handle the case it couldn’t be on the docket before the summer of 2013. Therefore Tünde Handó, wife of Fidesz EP member József Szájer and head of the National Judicial Office, assigned the case to the court in Kecskemét, 85 kilometers from Budapest. The suspicion was and still is that the prosecution was hoping for a more sympathetic judge. Hagyó and the others appealed to the Constitutional Court but without success. On September 11 the case began in Kecskemét.”…
„Today we heard that another CEO of BKV, Attila Antal, who had given evidence against Mesterházy and Hagyó, withdrew his original testimony. He told the court that while he was in jail he was very ill and the police told him that he would be let go only if “he talks.” His testimony was faxed over to the prosecutor’s office page by page for them to inspect its contents and decide whether or not his testimony was satisfactory from the prosecution’s point of view. Antal asked for Hagyó’s and Mesterházy’s forgiveness. So, this is where we stand. In the past every time I expressed my doubts about the Hagyó case I received loads of criticism. Even ridicule. And here are the results of the first few days of the trial. Maybe I wasn’t that wrong after all.”
Következő cikk: The Gripen affair redux
Ehhez a cikkhez még nem fűztek megjegyzést.
Komment írásához be kell jelentkeznie.
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